“If you want peace in your heart, in your home, in your country, assemble togeth…

“If you want peace in your heart, in your home, in your country, assemble together every night and say the Rosary.” Pope St. Pius X
“Airplanes must have runways before they can fly. What the runway is to the airplane, the rosary beads are to the prayer – the physical start to gain spiritual altitude.” Ven. Fulton Sheen
“O name of Mary! Joy in the heart, honey in the mouth, melody to the ear of her devout clients!” St. Anthony of Padua
“Never has it been known, dearest Lady and Mother, that anyone who fled to your protection was left unaided.” Bl. Nuno Alvares Pereira
“In the evening before you go to sleep, hold your beads, doze off reciting them. Do like those babies who go to sleep mumbling, ‘Mama, Mama’!” St. Bernadette Soubirous

St. Dominic – Saints & Angels – Catholic Online

Saint Dominic was born in Caleruega, Spain in 1170. His parents were members of the Spanish nobility and related to the ruling family. His father was Felix Guzman, and was the royal warden of the village. His mother, Bl. Joan of Aza, was a holy woman in her…

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