THE MINISTRY OF ACOLYTE – Bro Anthony Robert (Seminarian)In accordance and compl…

THE MINISTRY OF ACOLYTE – Bro Anthony Robert (Seminarian)
In accordance and compliance with Canon 1035, #1 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, Bro Anthony Robert (Seminarian) to be installed in the ministry of Acolyte on 07th November 2023 by Rt. Rev. Julius Dustin Gitom, D.D., Bishop of Sandakan at St Peter’s College major Seminary. As a Acolyte, Bro Anthony Robert exercises the following functions: To attend to the service of the altar and assist the deacon and the priest in liturgical celebrations especially in the celebration of Mass. In this regard, he may prepare the altar for the priest when the deacon is unavailable. He may distribute communion as an extra-ordinary minister. He has the task of exposing and reposing the Blessed Sacrament without benediction when the Deacon or Priests are not available. Likewise, after the distribution of Communion is complete, a duly instituted acolyte purifies and arranges the sacred vessels. He may also take communion to the sick and the elderly when the Priests and the Deacon are incapable. As a praying community, let us continue to pray for him as he is advancing in seminary formation. Congratulations and God bless.