The Sixth and Ninth Commandments work together. What the Sixth Commandment forbi…

The Sixth and Ninth Commandments work together. What the Sixth Commandment forbids in action, the Ninth Commandment forbids in thought or desire.

Prevalence of these sins : “More souls go to Hell for sins of the flesh than for any other reason.” – Our Lady to Jacinta Marto, Fatima, 1917.

Chief dangers to the virtue of chastity : Idleness, sinful curiosity, bad companions, drinking, immodest dress, indecent books, plays, movies, video games, Internet sites, TV shows and even some types of music.

Chief means of preserving the virtue of chastity : Avoid carefully all unnecessary dangers and temptations; seek God’s help through prayer, frequent confession, Holy Communion, assistance at Holy Mass and have a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin.

Many fall because they do not avoid dangers. They go to movies, watch TV shows, read magazines, visit Internet sites, play video games, or listen to
music which are offensive to the Lord. They associate too much with the opposite sex and try to excuse themselves by saying that they have no bad intentions. Good intentions alone are not sufficient. Human nature is very weak where purity is concerned, and we must keep far from all danger, or
sooner or later we shall fall.

Impure thoughts : Impure thoughts are not always sinful, but always dangerous. They become sinful when we do not try to get rid of them. Such thoughts are temptations from the devil. The best way to do get rid of such thoughts is by prayer or thinking about something else. Above all, avoid idleness. The devil has trouble tempting busy people.

Purity: Purity of heart requires modesty. Modesty is patience, decency [exercising proper conduct, speech and good taste] and discretion [being careful about what one says and does]. Modesty protects the intimate center of the person

The Sixth Commandment commands: us to be pure and modest in our behavior. Chastity in word and deed.
The Ninth Commandment commands: us be pure in thought and desire.



Old Testament – Deuteronomy 5:18
New Testament – Cf. Mt 19:18; Mk 7:22; Eph 5:3-4; Mt 22:39-40; Rom 13:9.


Respect for the marriage bed, use of sexual powers(chastity).


Adultery, fornication, sexual acts preparatory to intercourse outside marriage, masturbation, homosexuality, pornography, prostitution, contraception, etc.


Old Testament – Deuteronomy 5:21a
New Testament – Cf. Mt 5:27-28, 19:18; Eph 5:3-4; Mt 22:39-40; Rom 13:9.


Purity of heart, intention.


Desiring the wife of another, sexual thoughts and fantasies inconsistent with one’s marital status.

The Sixth Commandment forbids:

1) All obscenity, impurity and immodesty in words, looks and actions, whether alone or with others.
2) Offenses against marriage: Adultery [sexual relations between married people who are not married to each other], divorce, polygamy [having more than one wife] and free union [living together without being married].
3) Offenses against chastity: Lust [sexual desire outside of marriage], pornography [third party viewing of sexual relations], homosexuality [sexual relations between people of the same sex].
4) Any other form of unmarried sexual action.

The Ninth Commandment forbids:

1) All thoughts and desires contrary to chastity. ( wilful impure thought and desires.)

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