Transubstantiation is the moment when during Mass, the bread and wine used for C…

Transubstantiation is the moment when during Mass, the bread and wine used for Communion become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, the Eucharist.

This is a core tenet of our Catholic faith which the Catechism explains:

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This means that while the appearance of bread and wine remain, the substance is changed (through the power of God) completely to the body and blood of Christ.

However, some mistakenly hold that the Eucharist is only a โ€œsymbolโ€ of Jesusโ€™ presence.

Let us also be firmly reminded that Jesus is not merely a historical figure who we aspire to become like, but rather He is with us still to this day, present in the Eucharist, in every Mass said throughout the world.

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